EntertainmentPolitical Pulse

Hollywood Actress Sends Warning To Fellow Elites That ICE May Soon Come For Their Housekeepers, Nannies And Landscapers – Immediately Regrets!

We constantly see so-called Hollywood liberals trying to blame Trump for anything and everything. Everything is Trump’s fault!

Hollywood and Hollywood’s celebrities have lost their glamour. As time passes by I am more certain that these Hollywood “celebrities” are nothing more than a bunch of overpaid loudmouths who have nothing intelligent to say but throwing constant attacks on conservatives.

Actress Amber Heard was quickly condemned on social media after she shared a warning about ICE checkpoints that many deemed to be “racist.”

“Just heard there’s an ICE checkpoint in Hollywood, a few blocks from where I live,” Heard tweeted Tuesday morning. “Everyone better give their housekeepers, nannies, and landscapers a ride home tonight…”

Heard, 32, later deleted the tweet, but not before she was widely criticized on social media for seemingly stereotyping the jobs held by Hispanic people.

“Why did you delete your initial tweet? Is that all they are to you?” wrote one Twitter user named Don Carlo. “Out of touch much?”

Others slammed the tweet as “racist,” while some questioned whether the “Aquaman” actress was mistaking a DUI checkpoint for the week of the Fourth of July.

“Racist much?” tweeted a user named @mightbearia. “There’s so much wrong with this that I can’t even…”

It appears that Amber was trying to highlight, thanks to a sarcastic joke, unfair stereotypes used in order to justify President Donald Trump’s ICE policies.

She added in a follow-up tweet, seemingly trying to clarify her message: ‘Checkpoints on your home streets…. Is this the “great” America we’re aiming for?

‘Raids, fences and police-state like checkpoints don’t feel like the “land of the free” our immigrant ancestors built.’

But that didn’t help this Hollywood weirdo to get away and even got attacked by her own liberal friends!

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Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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