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Only Ten Left-Wing Supporters Show Up On Maxine Waters Appreciation Event (VIDEO)

Maxine Waters probably wasn’t known to most people until recently when she starting making public appearances peddling insane conspiracy theories involving Russia and calling for President Trump’s impeachment. She doesn’t even live in the district she represents in California but instead lives in a rich upscale community outside of it.
Waters held a Meet & Greet Tweet-A-Thon on Sunday but as it looks like the event was a blowout. 10 people wasted their day attending Maxine’s Tweet-A-Thon event on Sunday.

Via The Daily Caller: “The candidate held a Meet & Greet Tweet-A-Thon on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in her district in Los Angeles. A promotional card for the event advertised that “top social media influencers” would be on hand to support “our fearless champion in Congress.”

“Come join top social media influencers for a tweet-a-thon in support of Auntie Maxine, our fearless champion in Congress who taught us how to reclaim our time! We are coming together to amplify congresswoman Waters is voice and highlight her many achievements throughout her career. Millennials come energized & ready to get out the vote!”

A video posted of the event, however, shows fewer than 20 people in the room. That’s including Waters. When the camera panned to the room where the event was being held, many empty chairs and tables can be seen. The small group of supporters huddled in a circle to tell the congresswoman what issues they care about, and to listen to Waters talk about housing, the border, Donald Trump, Ben Carson and her congressional opponent, Omar Navarro.

And this is the woman who has the NERVE to try to impeach Trump?

While Trump is trying to help America and the American people all they have been doing is trying to undermine everything the President does. Luckily, their end is near!

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Natalie D.

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer who writes for Supreme Insider and Conservative US, ! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a "constitutional conservative".

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