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Hunter Biden Allegedly Was in Some Of The Explicit Photos WITH The 14-Year-Old Girl — Who Is One Of His Relatives

President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani has claimed that photographs of underage girls and other “very sensitive” materials were discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop and have been handed over to Delaware police.
In an explosive interview with conservative news channel Newsmax, the former New York City mayor said he found disturbing content on a hard drive that allegedly belonged to the 50-year-old son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

According to Giuliani, a text message sent from Hunter Biden to his father complains about how Hunter’s sister-in-law, who was once his lover, told his therapist that he had been “sexually inappropriate” with a 14-year-old girl.

His sister-in-law went on to say that “he had been sexually inappropriate with [redacted] when she says that I face time naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack,” the text message, read by Giuliani, allegedly said. The text went on to say that, when she was pressed, she acknowledged that “[redacted] never said anything like that,” but that she maintained Hunter creates a “very unsafe environment for the kids.”

Ine third of the explicit photos of minors in Hunter Biden’s laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl — who is one of his relatives, according to a shocking new report.

Not only were there inappropriate photos of the child on her own, but Hunter Biden allegedly was in some of them with her.

“A source close to the matter, though, who claims to have seen the images on Hunter’s laptop, told Revolver that about one-third of the images are of the same underage girl. Some of the images are topless, while in others she is shown in suggestive positions with Hunter himself,” Revolver News reports.

Giuliani also shared one of the text messages backing up his claim.

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Giuliani said that Biden, according to texts sent to his sister-in-law, on numerous occasions face-timed a 14-year-old girl while naked and on crack cocaine.

Photo and Video below:

Full interview below:

The “sister-in-law” to which Giuliani referred appears to be Hallie Biden, the widow of Hunter’s brother Beau, with whom Hunter had a romantic relationship for a time until reportedly the spring of last year.

Giuliani has not revealed any of the images, even in a censored form, and the Conservative US has not been able to confirm their existence.but we have Giuliani who claims that the photos are real.

The New York Post, which also has a copy of Hunter’s hard drive, has already reported that the laptop has a vast trove of sexual videos and images. Giuliani’s claim, though, is the first public allegation that these materials could be criminal in nature.

If true, Giuliani’s allegations would confirm that FBI was also involved. When the FBI took possession of Hunter’s laptop, the agent who retrieved it was named Joshua Wilson. That is the same name as a long-time child pornography investigator with the FBI.

Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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