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Video: Mother Protesting COVID-19 Tyranny, Arrested & Child Ripped From Her Arms

A mother has been pulled away from her screaming son as she was arrested for protesting ‘for her rights’ during the coronavirus pandemic.

Video footage shared on Twitter showed the woman speaking with police officers near Parliament of New South Wales in Sydney’s CBD about 3:50 pm on Saturday.

The woman, who was with her son, wore a yellow sign that read: ‘If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any. Magna Carta.’

She told police she was not doing anything wrong, despite the government’s social distancing regulations implemented during the health crisis.

Video below:

The tweet is incorrect. She was not arrested for violating lockdown, she was arrested for calling for citizens to stand up for her rights.

Even more, the police dishonestly attempt to block bystanders from filming the crime perpetrated by the police against the fundamental human rights of the mother and child.

These police officers are no better than the Gestapo.

I know this isn’t America, but we’ve seen similar arrests made here too. You may recall the mother on the playground who was arrested a few weeks ago.

Every officer should be embarrassed to walk in the door to their homes at the end of the day. You’re not protecting a damn thing with actions like this.

Natalie D.

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer who writes for Supreme Insider and Conservative US, ! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a "constitutional conservative".

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