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Build The Wall! Hidden Cameras Catch 25 Straight Minutes of Aliens Crossing Border Illegally (Video)

The president has been working with the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Homeland Security to build the wall.

Now there are some people who oppose this idea and say that is impossible but President Trump confirmed more than once that he can do the impossible!

But it seems that we need the Wall a lot sooner than we thought!

A rancher on the Arizona border provided the Daily Caller with video footage from his hidden cameras planted around his land. Most of the footage you are about to see is from the last couple of months.

The video comes courtesy of Chilton Ranch and The Daily Caller.

Build the Dam Wall, Already! If you want to be in our county do it the right way! Fill out all the papers that make you legal and we will accept you with open arms!

Those who think you need no Border Patrol or Ice well, when they reach your front step, how do you plan to protect your family?

How long are the citizens of the United States going to allow this to happen, plus all the freebies they get when they get here?

Does anyone else think it is suspicious that many in the groups are dressed identically carrying identical backpacks? What are they carrying? Are they Drug cartel mules? Some look like military personnel.

Why can’t they just shoot these people crossing into their land from Mexico, why hasn’t the border patrol given these videos so they can see what is happening and put a stop to it immediately. If I owned this land that’s what I would be doing, or alerting all the military veterans, like they have in some areas, to come down and stop these illegals, go through their packs and see what they are bringing across the border.

All you have to do is put Cameras all along the known places where these illegals cross over the border. We know you can’t put up a wall across the whole southern border , but when these military veterans took an oath when joining the military to protect this country from both foreign and domestic terrorists, nobody’s own weapon rescinded that oath so it’s still our job to make sure these foreign terrorists don’t enter into this country .

A few dead bodies would make it a deterrent that if you try to cross you could be shot for entering the US illegally. These foreign and food terrorists have no rights in this country, we are sure when they are crossing 14 at a time, they aren’t coming here to Claim asylum, they are coming here either bringing drugs or worst threatening the citizens of this country. It’s time we act, even these US property owners have a right to protect their land, empty and provide a place for these veterans to sleep, they can bring their own weapons and food. It’s time we stop these foreign terrorists NOW.

Thank you so much to the farmer and to y’all that work so hard every day to keep our country safe. God bless Y’all.

For the record: We completely expect the tech giants to censor and shadow-ban this report as they have to our previous reports on illegal border crossing!
But this is truthful information the public deserves to read.
Spread this on ALL your platforms!

Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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