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Democratic Governor Nominee Supports Socialism But Doesn’t Know What Socialism Is (Video)

Who am I? Where am I? What am I? There is a lot this thing needs to figure out before it pretends to be a politician.

Christine Hallquist, the Democratic candidate for governor in Vermont, one day after becoming America’s first transgender governor nominee, admitted that she has no idea what socialism is, insisting that she is not “big on labels.”

Watch the video below!

Via Fox News Insider:

Hallquist supports “Medicare for all” and raising the minimum wage, and her candidacy was backed by the same progressive group that supported Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Despite that, Hallquist has declined to embrace the socialist label.

During Wednesday’s interview, host John Berman pointed to a new Gallup poll that found that Democrats view socialism more favorably that capitalism.

“I’m not a person that’s big on labels because I found labels are used to separate people,” Hallquist said. “You know, I look at the platform of a living wage and health care for all, that’s called civilized society. I don’t know even how that became socialism or Republican or Democrat. Let’s be a civilized society.”

When Berman said it appears that Hallquist is more supportive of the ideas behind socialism than capitalism, she replied, “I’m not sure I even know what socialism is. So I just don’t have the background to answer that question.”

I’ve got no problem with a trans governor, but I think I’d want someone who had prepared a bit better for the inevitable questions regarding socialism. Bernie Sanders is an avowed socialist from her state, and it never occurred to her to figure out what that meant? Ignorance, whether feigned or real, is not a vote-getter.

Socialism on paper is far different than socialism in practice. It’s a nice idea to have this perfect world with unicorns and fairies. But that pesky thing called reality ruins it.

Please, please, please, let this be the beginning of the end of the DNC!! This is someone who is more interested in 15 minutes of fame than actually governing. The sad part is, if she gets elected she’ll have literally no idea what to do about anything. Seems to be the theme of the Leftwing establishment these days – lots of labels, no substance.

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Michelle M.

Michelle is American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm. She writes for Conservative US, Right Journalism and Supreme Insider!