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Melania Trump Breaks Silence After Two Weeks And Got Attacked For What She Said To Her Haters

First Lady Melania Trump underwent a successful procedure for a benign kidney condition and will remain in the hospital for the remainder of the week, per the White House. Since then we have heard little from Melania and because of this, the past several weeks, there were a lot of speculation and rumors over Melania’s lack of appearance in public.

The MSM didn’t waste time and decided to attack Melania for her lack of appearances in the public!

The Washington Post ran a story Friday titled, “Trump says the first lady is ‘doing great.’ She hasn’t been seen in public for two weeks.”

And now, Melania has finally broken her silence and responded to the many lies flung about the fake news media. The First lady, responded to rampant speculation about her health Wednesday, saying she is actually at the White House.

“I see the media is working overtime speculating where I am & what I’m doing,” she tweeted Wednesday. “Rest assured, I’m here at the @WhiteHouse w my family, feeling great, & working hard on behalf of children & the American people!”

More attack from the MSM followed after this tweet!

Mirror wrote this: “Melania Trump has finally acknowledged her ‘disappearance’ after weeks out of the public eye with a tweet – but questions are already being asked over who actually wrote it.

The First Lady was last seen 21 days ago when she joined her husband to meet American hostages coming home from North Korea.

Since then she’s been treated at a medical centre for a kidney condition, with the president tweeting his heartfelt congratulations to his wife on her recovery on May 19.

Although he managed to call her Melanie instead of Melania, it was at least an acknowledgement she appeared to be on the mend.

Yesterday, some eleven days later, a message was posted on Mrs Trump’s Twitter profile.

Although in recent days she had also posted messages about Memorial Day and America’s military, this was the first time she appeared to directly address the speculation on her whereabouts.

However, the tone and phrasing of the message seemed out of character with many questioning whether she actually wrote it.

A number of the phrases in the tweet not only sound like the sort of thing her husband would say, they actually appeared in previous tweets of his.

“Working overtime” is a common Trump phrase, as is his endless obsession with how the media reports on him and his family.

I would stay inside too. Why leave the White House and be criticized by the MSM or the vile people on the View! The media has been insulting President Trump and those around him for over a year.

But, they can print any FAKE story they want. I am so proud, grateful and happy to have the beautiful, poised, speaker of five languages, and tactful Melania as our First Lady that NO ONE can take away from these facts.
Thank you, Melania, for your caring service to so many children and victims of natural disasters in our great country!

I speak for many Americans when I say that Melania is the most magnificent First Lady of all time! So proud of her! Praying for a speedy recovery and total healing.

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Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!