Culture & Society

Here’s Who Is Really Paying for LeBron James’ New I Promise school!

Lebron is just a little cry baby. So disrespectful and so self-centered. Only cares for himself. Nearly three months ago, NBA player LeBron James made disgusting comments about President Donald Trump. In a video, LeBron James said that the president “is someone who doesn’t understand the people. He doesn’t give a f**k about the people.”

Last week he came with another accusation on President Trump!

And everybody in the MSM praised him for his action but when our President responded every major media outlet decide to attack President Trump about racism!

Today I found another story that proves that LeBron James is nothing but a scam!


“You wouldn’t know from all the national coverage that LeBron James isn’t paying for everything at his new I Promise School in Akron,”  Patrick O’Donnell of The Plain Dealer reported over the weekend. He’s paying for part of it.

That’s because it’s not a private school; it’s a public one whose “construction” LeBron helped fund via his LeBron James Family Foundation, which acquired the money by soliciting donations from donors such as Harvey Weinstein. Also keep in mind that every buck the foundation has spent on the school is tax deductible.

The foundation will specifically be paying for less than 25 percent of the school’s operating costs, according to Cleveland-based newspaper, which estimated that “the district will pay more than half the costs — perhaps around 75 percent – once [the school] is fully running.

“I Promise will eventually cost about $8 million a year to run out of the district’s regular budget, covered mostly by shifting students, teachers and money from other schools.”

“The coverage made it look like the whole thing is his,” district spokesman Mark Williamson reportedly complained. “He did a lot, but taxpayers should know it’s their investment too.”

The Plain Dealer reported that LeBron’s foundation intends to spend “$2 million or more a year when the school has grown to capacity,” though it cautioned “[t]he exact amount is still to be determined,” meaning it could conceivably wind up spending less, or more.

And then there’s this: The free tuition/scholarship to the University of Akron that LeBron guaranteed to students who graduate from the school will in fact reportedly be funded by the university, not him or his foundation.


Let’s share this news and expose LeBron James scam!

H/T The_Donald

Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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