Culture & Society

ISIS Bride From U.S. Says She Wants To Come Home And Her Country To Pay For Her Therapy

Funny how these ISIS brides all suddenly want to go back to the countries the left. Doesn’t look like it’s part of a big ISIS plan to carry out attacks, use a young woman and child so it looks like they just want to be home safe with family.
The American ISIS bride who wants to come home to the US has told how she wants the government to pay for her to undergo therapy if it allows her to return but she does not want to go to jail.

Hoda Muthana, 24, spoke on Wednesday in an interview with ABC News, her first since fleeing the terror group three weeks ago, from a refugee camp in northern Syria.

With her 18-month-old son balanced on her lap, she said she had given up the extremist ‘ideology’ that convinced her to leave her family and that she wanted to be welcomed home by the American people.

‘I’m a normal human being who has been manipulated,’ Hoda, who was 20 when she fled, said.

‘I hope America doesn’t think I am a threat to them and I hope they accept me…I hope they excuse me because of how young and ignorant I was.

‘I can tell them that now I have changed, now I am a mother, I have none of the ideology and hopefully everyone will see it when I get back.’

Asked what she would expect as a reasonable form of punishment for joining the terror group and calling for bloodshed in the US on social media, she answered: ‘Maybe therapy lessons, maybe a process that will ensure us that we’ll never do this again.

‘Jail time, I don’t know if that has an effect on people. I need help mentally as well, I don’t have the ideology any more but I am just traumatized by my experience.’

‘I know that when I do get back I probably will be sentenced to jail for I don’t know how much time.’

‘I had a good relationship with my family but I wanted a more Americanized life. I just wanted to go out, I wanted to have, like, friends, go to places. I didn’t get any of that.

‘The only way out for me was to become practicing… to become more religious,’ she said.

She said they were brainwashed and interpreted what they were told by predatory ISIS members ‘very wrong.’

She defected to a terrorist country thereby forfeiting her American citizenship. Let her stay in Syria. This is where she made her home with her husbands & child. She even says she only left when there was no food. Otherwise, she would have stayed.

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Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!