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Crazy Maxine Waters wishes for HER 80th Birthday: Impeach President Trump!! (VIDEO)

She represents everything that is wrong and broken with our Political System. Compared to the Founding Fathers, Maxine is a sideshow in a circus. She’s 80 and Pelosi is 78. The future of the Democrat party!

Maxine Waters is a such a world-class hateful woman. What makes it so funny is her total lack of self-awareness. Basically, she knows one thing: “Impeach 45!” Why? Just because. This woman is so stupid she is barely aware that she is alive. Her philosophy: “I hate and I make noise, therefore I am.”

During a Sunday appearance on MSNBC, Maxine told Jonathan Capehart that she wants only one thing to celebrate her 80th birthday: President Trump’s impeachment. Watch the video below!

CAPEHART: Congresswoman, your birthday is on Wednesday—


CAPEHART: So, pre-Happy Birthday! But on Wednesday, if you could be granted one birthday wish, what would that be?

WATERS: Thank you

CAPEHART: But on Wednesday, if you could be granted one birthday wish, what would that be?

WATERS: I guess now my biggest birthday wish would be that we’re able to get a leader of this country who represents us. Who has the respect of all of our allies, all over the world. Someone who has an appreciation for the Constitution. Someone that does not lie every morning when they get up with these tweets. Someone who not only respects women, but all of the people, and instead of dividing us, would take leadership to bring us all together. This is the greatest country in the world, but he’s undermining our democracy. He is making us ashamed of him and he is being destructive to — uh — this democracy. This is a man who’s criticizing NFL players because — uh — they’re not doing what he thinks they should do in saluting the flag in the way that he wants them to.

He doesn’t even know the words to the Star Spangled Banner! And, so, he is not truthful. Uh — He is a hypocrite and I would wish that we could remove him from office and go about getting the kind of president that we can all be proud of! And if he’s not impeached, if he cannot be impeached, 2020 is coming up and I believe that American people are going to do the right thing for our country— Stand up for what is right and get rid of this man who is embarrassing us all.

CAPEHART: And with that, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, thank you very much. Again, Happy Birthday in advance.

WATERS: Thank you, so very much.

How about we impeach you for your 80th birthday?

Maxine, keep ranting and raving with your ignorance, venom, and vitriol! You have been a tremendous “support” to Donald J Trump’s re-election 2020 Campaign!

Keep it up “crazy Maxine” you drive more voters to Trump than anyone else.

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Michelle M.

Michelle is American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm. She writes for Conservative US, Right Journalism and Supreme Insider!

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