Political Pulse

The Anonymous Woman Who Accused Kavanaugh of Sexual Assault Is A Registered Democrat!

I was wondering when the Democrats would bring out the finger-pointing girl.

On Thursday, Sen Dianne Feinstein revealed she’d received a letter accusing Brett Kavanaugh of attempting to force himself on a woman while both were in high school. Feinstein had been in possession of this supposedly damning letter since July, yet she only brought it to light yesterday.

And now, the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault spoke out in an account published by Washington Post on Sunday.

Her name is Christine Blasey Ford and she is a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. Ford described the 1980s incident, which she says took place at a home in suburban Montgomery County, Maryland.

She also told she had feared Kavanaugh “might inadvertently kill” her as he held her down and groped her while they were both high school students around 1982.

Ford alleges another teenager watched as a drunken Kavanaugh attempted to remove her clothing at a gathering in suburban Maryland. She tried to scream, but Kavanaugh covered her mouth to silence her, she told the Post. She said she escaped after Kavanaugh’s friend entered the room and jumped on top of both of them.

“I think it derailed me substantially for four or five years,” Ford told the Post of the alleged assault. She described the incident as a “rape attempt” during a therapy session in 2012, according to her therapist’s notes obtained by the Post.

This is fake news if you ask me!

But what is more important is the fact that she is a registered Democrat who donates to “political organizations.”

Here’s what Fox News reports:

Ford, a 51-year-old registered Democrat who has published in academic journals and has trained students in clinical psychology, described the alleged incident in The Washington Post on Sunday, saying it occurred during a summer day in the 1980s at a Maryland house where teens had gathered. Ford claimed she headed upstairs to a bathroom when she was suddenly pushed onto a bed, as rock-and-roll music blared.

As you can see, Ford is a Democrat and a professor at a liberal university.  Mediaite also describes her as, “A registered Democrat who has made small contributions to political organizations.”

How small? Which political organizations? I bet it’s more than just a little and chances are these are all lefty organizations. It would be seriously non-shocking if she was a major donor to Planned Parenthood. The nation’s largest abortion provider has been leading the misinformation campaign against Kavanaugh and I think it would relevant if this accuser has donated money to Planned Parenthood, don’t you?

Share if you think that the Dems are trying to frame Brett Kavanaugh!

Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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