
The Future Of The Democratic Party! Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Married Her Biological Brother From Somalia

Some African cultures have a history of incest, especially in antiquity. One of the reasons King Tut died so young and was so deformed is that he was born of the marriage of a brother and sister. Such incest was apparently common in the royal lines of the rulers of ancient Egypt. Remember, they were pagans and did not follow the laws of the Old Testament, which specifically forbids incest.

And it seems that the future of the Democratic party Ilhan Omar is following this barbaric tradition! reports

Ilhan Omar won a historic victory over 44-year incumbent DFL Rep. Phyllis Kahn.

Ilhan Omar built a vast coalition of East African voters to defeat the incumbent in Minneapolis.


The liberal media forgot to mention Ilhan was married to her brother.

reader has written us to point out that the Somali website Somalispot posted information last week suggesting Omar’s involvement in marriage and immigration fraud. The post notes that Omar married Ahmed Hirsi in 2002. Hirsi is the father of Omar’s three children. Omar is depicted with Hirsi and their children on Omar’s campaign website here.

The post further notes that Omar married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, implying that the latter marriage assisted his entry into the United States. Her brother was a British citizen. “As soon as Ilhan Omar married him,” the post continues, “he started university at her [a]lma mater North Dakota State University where he graduated in 2012. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Minneapolis where he was living in a public housing complex and was later evicted. He then returned to the United Kingdom where he now lives.”

In 2017, several months after Omar’s marriage history briefly created a national news item, Omar quietly petitioned family court for a default divorce, claiming she could not locate Elmi.

She did this as part of an immigration fraud scheme. She should be in jail. Can’t believe they are not prosecuting her for this. And she has repeatedly been caught lying about it.

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Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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