Culture & Society

The Man Who Abused Texas Teen in #MAGA Hat Reveals The Truth, Admits Why He Did It!

The angry, destructive, hateful Liberal Left incite more anger and destruction with their hatred of anyone who does not agree with them. Whatever happened to “people are entitled to their opinion, belief, and receive constitutional rights. There is nothing in the constitution that instructs people to attack, inflict injury and hatred to anyone who does not agree with them.

How can the Liberal Left get away with such displays of hatred and anger, yet spew love for everyone? Their double-edged sword is going to cut them and make them wish they had more tolerance for people who do not agree with them.

The latest example of Liberal hypocrisy was when Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez adult person that attacked kid in a MAGA hat!

The man was seen taking a kids MAGA hat and then throwing a drink on him.

The video went viral since then and justice caught up with this man!

First, he was fired from his job and later he got arrested.

Detectives from the San Antonio Robbery Task Force arrested Jimenez in Universal City and he has now been charged with a felony – theft from the person, according to Bexar County records.

Jimenez had at least one prior arrest because he has a 2017 mugshot when he was heavier.

Today he was released on $5000 bond.

From Daily Caller:

On his way out of jail early Friday morning, he tried at first to avoid a KSAT 12 News camera.

Once the camera was turned off, he spoke briefly, saying what happened was a lapse in judgment that was out of character for him.

Jimenez said seeing the hat had the same effect on him that a Ku Klux Klan hood would have had.
Jimenez was also a member of the local Green Party and they kicked him out, saying they were non-violent and didn’t approve of picking on kids.

In an interview with Heavy, Gavino Zarate, secretary of the Harris County Green Party, who said he was speaking for the state party as a whole on the issue, condemned the incident.

“We all have different opinions of our president, but we don’t take it out on innocent kids who just happen to have a hat on,” Zarate told Heavy in an exclusive interview. “You may not like the hat or you may not like the president, but you don’t show that kind of aggression toward teenagers. It goes against everything the Green Party stands for. We are not violent. We do not take our aggression out on innocent young people.”

Finally, he got what he deservedand his excuse is just lame!
People like this thug are why Democrats keep losing elections. They are radical and out of control. Luckily, the Scum BAG was ID’d as Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez! And what is even better he was fired from his job, his family was informed. He had to delete his social media.

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Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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