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Tomi Lahren Slams “Crazy” Maxine: ‘She Is Walking, Talking Trump Derangement Syndrome’ (VIDEO)

California Rep.Maxine Waters is on fire these days. Her philosophy: “I hate and I make noise, therefore I am.”

Tomi Lahren blasted Maxine after she said her birthday wish is for Trump to be removed from office.

Watch the video below!

“If and when ‘Trump derangement syndrome’ is put in the dictionary, there will be a photo of Maxine Waters next to that definition,” Lahren said on “Fox & Friends.” “She is walking, talking Trump derangement syndrome.”

Lahren argued that Waters continues to go after the president because she does not have a positive message of her own.

“She has actually no ideas, agenda items or plans for the country, for her constituents, for California. She simply has to be anti-Trump, because that is her schtick and she has nothing else to say,” Lahren said.

“Because even those who don’t like President Trump still want to hear policy items and agenda items to better this country,” Lahren said.

“We’re going to have to put more pressure on our elected officials to be more than just anti-Trump, starting with crazy Maxine Waters.”

Mad Maxine Waters trashes President Trump on her birthday, but President Trump sends her a nice and polite birthday greeting!! Waters can NEVER say anything nice about anyone who has a different idea than her. She is plain rude, impolite, an ignorant and financially corrupt, criminally self-serving, selfish woman with no compassion, empathy for any decent person and doesn’t know what honesty, truth and true goodness are. She is extremely unintelligent, unpleasant, moronic, demonic evil and foul-minded solipsistic, cowardly and grotesque with no real-world ability.

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Michelle M.

Michelle is American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm. She writes for Conservative US, Right Journalism and Supreme Insider!

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