
Video: Joe Biden Accusing Trump Supporters Of Waving “Nazi Fags” During His Latest “Rally”

Former vice president Joe Biden said he’s a “proud Democrat,” but if he’s elected president he will serve all Americans, regardless of their party affiliation, those who voted for him and those who supported President Donald Trump.

“One America,” he told a small crowd Monday night at Union Terminal.

He was critical of how Trump has handled the coronavirus and the way he has divided the country through his racial comments.

If elected, Biden said he will provide “heal and hope” for Americans.

“That’s the president’s job,” he said.


More than two hours before Biden was scheduled to speak Monday night, his supporters and those supporting Trump stood on opposite street corners.

Both waved signs for their presidential candidate and they agreed Ohio voters could likely determine who wins the election next month.

“This man needs to win,” said Cincinnati’s Jen McMullen, a Biden supporter.

As she spoke, across the street, more than 50 Trump supporters across the street chanted: “Four more years.” Truck drivers and Cincinnati police officers honked their horns, apparently in support of Trump.

NBC’s Marianna Sotomayor was on the scene Monday when a group of Trump supporters interrupted former VP Joe Biden campaigning in Toledo, Ohio on Monday.

Video below:

The chants “four more years” confused Biden and as he was describing Trump supporters he accused the of waving “Nazi Fags”

The sleep up was ignored by the mainstream media but the internet never forgets.

The commander-in-chief skewered the poor attendance at Biden’s rally, although the former veep’s supporters said his campaign had deliberately limited the crowd size to stop the potential spread of COVID-19.

“Almost nobody showed up to the Sleepy Joe Biden ‘Rally’ in Ohio. The reporting and polls are a Media Con Job – Fake News,” Trump tweeted on Monday afternoon.

“We have far more support and enthusiasm than even in 2016. November 3rd. will be a great day for America!!!” he went on.

In a subsequent tweet, the president poked fun at Biden’s mask-wearing, writing: “So Biden is coughing and hacking and playing ‘fingers’ with his mask, all over the place, and the Fake News doesn’t want to even think about discussing it.”

Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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