
Allegedly New Unseen Emails Raise Ethical And Legal Questions About Hunter’s Financial Dealings, Suggests That The Dealings Were Too Dirty For His Business Associate

The business partner of Hunter Biden who flipped on the Biden family from prison provided access to 26,000 emails, Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said in a Saturday morning radio appearance.

Schweizer, appearing on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said that former Hunter Biden business partner Bevan Cooney provided 26,000 emails to him—the first of which were published late last week in a Breitbart News exclusive investigation by Schweizer and author Seamus Bruner. Cooney is currently serving a sentence in federal prison due to his conviction over financial deals he made connected to Hunter Biden and his other partner Devon Archer. Archer, who was also convicted by a jury in federal court, saw his conviction vacated by a federal judge. That conviction was later—just a couple of weeks ago—reinstated by an appellate court, which overruled the lower court judge’s decision to vacate it. Archer awaits sentencing.

In the meantime, however, Cooney—who is serving his sentence in federal prison—reached out to Schweizer via conservative journalist Matthew Tyrmand and provided written authorization to access his Gmail account. He provided the password and username, and written authorization to publish emails because Schweizer says he believes he was the “fall guy” for the Biden family’s corruption and that he believes the public needs to know what really happened in Hunter Biden’s universe. The first article on these emails was published Friday afternoon and detailed how Hunter Biden and his partners secured meetings with senior White House officials in November 2011 for Chinese Communist elites—including, as the Chinese elites who were present revealed, a secret meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden himself. The Biden campaign has not responded to requests for comment about this from Breitbart News.

Revolver News obtained some new unseen emails from Hunter that could raise ethical and legal questions about Hunter’s dealing, they also show that Hunter’s deals were probably too dirty for his business associate.

The email below is from Xin Wang, a managing partner of the private equity firm Bohai Harvest (BHR), to Devon Archer, James (Jimmy) Bulger, Hunter Biden, and other business associates. Revolver cited a report on BHR in an earlier article on Hunter Biden’s suspicious dealings in China:


There is no apparent reason for HUNTER’s participation in the BHR partnership other than political payoff and influence. Virtually all financial investors or partners are state policy entities, state-owned entities, or only nominally private. The investments flow primarily to Chinese state-backed projects or firms. The financial terms, where we have been able to locate specific deal terms, engage in non-normal business practices designed to funnel fees and assets to benefit a specific party

BHR is a state-managed operation. Leading shareholder Bohai is a Bank of China subsidiary, and BHR’s partners are Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) that funnel revenue/assets to BHR.

For those unfamiliar with Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer, all one needs to know is that a federal court recently reinstated a fraud conviction against him. James Bulger, the other business partner on the e-mail, is the nephew of the infamous late Irish mafia boss Whitey Bulger.

The email in question pertains to the closing of a deal that requires approval by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) — a review process required for foreign investments that might pose a national security risk. That this deal obtained CFIUS approval says more about the people involved than the safety of the deal from a national security perspective. At the time of the deal, Hunter’s business associate Christopher Heinz’ step-father, John Kerry, was Secretary of State. Hunter’s father was the Vice President of the United States.

The e-mail also makes reference to a Delaware based SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) as part of the celebrated deal. Although the e-mail is dated September 2015, it is important to note that Beau Biden, Hunter’s late brother, had been Attorney General of Delaware until January of 2015 — perhaps during the early stages of the deal.

The questions then arise: given these political connections, what if any influence did they have on BHR’s ability to pass the CFIUS process? Did any of the connections mentioned use their influence illegally to influence this process? Perhaps more scandalous than the possibility of illegality is the possibility that all of this was legal. Indeed, it is simply absurd that a national security review would be subject to such egregious conflicts of interest. But this is just business as usual in Joe Biden’s America.

Another email raises similar if more pressing concerns:

Xin appears to be giving the recipients in question inside information regarding an investment auction. This raises questions not only regarding how often Hunter and his associates would receive inside information from Xin, but the provenance of that information. Given BHR’s effective state-owned status in China and its role in foreign influence, one wonders how much if any of this information may have been obtained through Chinese corporate espionage or industrial tradecraft.

Another email is suggesting a dramatic falling out between Hunter and his business partner:

The following e-mail suggests Schwerin is ready to be done with Hunter, offering to buy him out of the Rosemont Seneca Partnership entirely:

Hunter’s reply to the e-mail suggests a strained relationship to say the least.

Although Revolver staff have not yet cross-referenced the screenshots to the hard drive, they say that with an extremely high degree of confidence attest to their authenticity.

Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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