President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on Friday, the most significant move yet by the U.S. government to head off the coronavirus outbreak.
Trump’s declaration came as many public and private institutions have taken action — including canceling major events, temporarily banning large gatherings, closing schools and telling people to work from home — in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled, soared, and then closed with a gain of 1,900 points after the emergency declaration. Wall Street had reeled Thursday afternoon after coronavirus fears drove the markets to their worst day since the Black Monday crash in 1987.
President Trump did his best and decided to bring a package of measures to address the coronavirus pandemic.
He wasn’t able to sign the package because the Dems tried to sneak abortion funding into the bill.
“We’re dealing with Democrats in Congress, we’ll see what can be done,” Trump said during an exchange with reporters Thursday at the White House. He said Democrats had included “goodies” in their bill “that have nothing to do with what we’re talking about.” He did not give details.
But several media reported that Pelosi wanted to sneak abortion funding into the bill.
Most notably the Daily Caller who first broke the story:
Speaking to the Daily Caller, those officials alleged that while negotiating the stimulus with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi tried to lobby for “several” provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.
The Hyde Amendment blocks clinics that perform abortions from receiving federal funding.
“A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented,” one White House official explained. “Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms.”
A second White House official referred to the provision as a “slush fund” and yet another questioned, “what the Hyde Amendment and abortion have to do with protecting Americans from coronavirus?”
Pelosi came under heavy criticism from pro-life advocates, from pro-life lawmakers like Senator Ben Sasse and even from President Trump himself.
“Pelosi wanted to sneak in a billion dollars in funding for abortion programs through the coronavirus stimulus package. Don’t ever tell me the Democrats aren’t politicizing this situation,” Human Rights editor Ian Cheong argued.
As late as Thursday, President Trump said he couldn’t support the bill without the Hyde Amendment language in it.
And it seems that finally, he won as the Dems always try to push for their agenda.
Politico confirmed after this article went to press that the Hyde Amendment provision was eventually removed from the stimulus later on Thursday and will hit the House floor as a separate bill.
As Life News reported, after a marathon day of negotiations, the White House and Pelosi have agreed to a final version of the bill that will be abortion-free.
“We are proud to have reached an agreement with the Administration to resolve outstanding challenges, and now will soon pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” Pelosi wrote in a letter to Democratic colleagues.
“This legislation is about testing, testing, testing,” she wrote.
The legislation is meant to help people whose lives or jobs have been upended by the epidemic by providing benefits for idled workers, added food stamp funding, and boosted unemployment insurance. It also would increase coronavirus testing and give states funding for healthcare.
Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who led the administration’s efforts, spoke 13 times over the course of the day regarding the deal, most recently at 5:48 p.m. on Friday evening, according to Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill.
Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council, also blasted Pelosi for putting abortion funding in the measure.
“Congress’s coronavirus bill was supposed to be about saving lives — not taking them! But tell that to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who doesn’t seem to mind exploiting a global tragedy to help out her pals at Planned Parenthood. Turns out, while Democrats are bashing the president for not working fast enough, they’re bogging down the debate with secret language on abortion,” he said.
“Even more astounding, Pelosi had the nerve to stand in front of the press and argue that this bill was about “putting families first,” Perkins continued. “Because even in a crisis, the only economy Democrats care about is the abortion industry’s.”
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Natalie D. is an American conservative writer who writes for Supreme Insider and Conservative US, ! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a “constitutional conservative”.