Political Pulse

James Woods Burned Democrats With His Latest “Fix Immigration” Tweet

American laws are in place to ensure, just like ANY country, that those who come, who wish to obey our laws, our culture and want to assimilate – we welcome with open arms! Unfortunately, the illegal immigrants who come here for all the handouts, have NO intention to obey our laws or respect us or OUR country!

And while Trump administration wants to strengthen the LEGAL worker program that protects LEGAL foreign workers, AND protect American jobs & wages, Democrats don’t want fixes. They want underpaid slaves or even better- future voter base.

Luckily, Hollywood actor James Woods who has has been quite vocal with his criticism of President Barack Obama pointed the truth with intellectual truthful common sense post!

On Twitter, Woods wrote: “Why does the “fix immigration” mantra even exist? There are laws in place for legal immigration into this country and millions of Americans followed those laws to become citizens. Pretty simple. This isn’t rocket science.”

Woods is right again.

So true! I’m grateful to people like James Woods who stand up and speak out against the machine that has taken hold of this country. What is wrong with Immigration is that the laws have been ignored or just lip service paid to enforcement. If Immigration laws had always been faithfully enforced we wouldn’t have problems today.

But, solving a problem doesn’t get votes and Dems care more about votes than people.

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Natalie D.

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer who writes for Supreme Insider and Conservative US, ! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a "constitutional conservative".

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