Video: Car Plows Through Crowd Of Anti-Cop Protesters And Injures Cop And A Demonstrator
It happened just after 10 p.m. on Bleeker Street and 10th Avenue.
Video from the scene shows people trying to stop the vehicle.
The 18-year-old Justin Burgos ran his car into Fire Cuervo protesters right outside of NYPD’s 6th precinct.
NYPD came & ripped a protester’s bike out of the car’s way before the car went through & hit protesters as it sped off.
Protesters ran after the car & then cops ran after them & the car.
Video below:
Can you blame the driver?
— Art TakingBack 🇺🇸 (@ArtValley818_) July 22, 2021
An 18-year-old man suffered a knee injury.
The chaos unfolded outside the NYPD’s 6th Precinct, where about 25 people gathered to demand the firing of a sergeant who works in the command, sources said.
At about 10:30 p.m., the BMW driver pulled up and honked at the protesters, who were blocking the road on West 10th Street near Bleecker Street, sources said.
The protesters swarmed the vehicle — and police responded to the fracas — before the driver hit the gas and plowed into the crowd, sources said.
A demonstrator and police officer were hit and suffered injuries, police and sources said.
Police gave chase and stopped the driver a few blocks away on Grove Street, the NYPD said.
Police said the driver, identified as 18-year-old Justin Burgos, was frustrated because the road was blocked.
He was later arrested on several charges, including reckless endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident.

Sullivan pens a regular column that focuses on corruption within government, cronyism, illegal immigration, and general left-wing malfeasance. Kathy also serves as a leading voice against the establishment within the Republican Party and enthusiastically promotes pro-Trump candidates to battle entrenched moderate incumbents.