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Video: Fauci Allegedly Got Caught Leaking Info About COVID-19 To The Mainstream Media Without President’s Knowledge


Many critics allege Dr. Anthony Fauci is recklessly damaging the economy and blocking supposed wonder treatments like hydroxychloroquine.

Those reports are labeled as a conspiracy by Fauci’s friend the mainstream media.

When a crisis sprouts, one can bet the conspiracy theorists will have their day. While such people used to get relegated to the fringes where they belonged, the current political environment allows such baloney to have a home within certain quarters of the mainstream Right.

But what if some so-called conspiracies are real?

President Donald Trump said on Friday he will listen to the advice of doctors when deciding if it is an appropriate time to reopen the country. The comments came after The New York Times reported on federal projections that indicated there could be a spike in coronavirus infections in the summer if 30-day social distancing restrictions are eased.

But one interesting moment was not reported by the mainstream media.


Video below:

Watch video on slow motion, when the reporter gets to the juicy point of the question, both Fauci and Birx react at the same moment, so immoral they are both culpable.
In any case, we ain’t gonna float a conspiracy theory we only report the video and you can judge for yourself if Trump is really suspecting about Fauci’s intentions and does this mean that he leaked some information about the Wuhan Virus projections.
Trump didn’t know the moment that the information came from The New York Times and their report says that new U.S. government figures show novel coronavirus infections will spike during the summer if stay-at-home orders are lifted after 30 days as planned
If President Donald Trump lifts shelter-in-place orders after 30 days, the death toll is estimated to reach 200,000, the New York Times reported, citing new projections it obtained from the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services.

Trump as we already reported said he and his advisers have not seen the new projections reported by the Times.

He gave a much different projection during the daily White House coronavirus briefing, saying he thinks the United States will lose fewer than the 100,000 lives initially projected to be lost to COVID-19, and suggested the country is nearing its peak infection rate.

A DHS official confirmed the authenticity of the projections obtained by the New York Times. The official, who requested anonymity to discuss the matter, stressed that the figures were considered a “best guess.”

Things are getting even more complicated but if anything, the crisis will finally push the government at all levels to make better preparations for the next time it happens and mitigate the damage early instead of having to play catch-up.


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Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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