
Video: The Thief Gets More Than He Bargained For After Trying to Snatch a Phone from Jiu-Jitsu Master at NYC Taco Bell

Shocking video captured the moment a jiu-jitsu-practicing man fought off a thief who tried to swipe his phone while he ate lunch at a Taco Bell in New York.

In a dramatic turn of events, a man proficient in jiu-jitsu thwarted an attempted robbery while enjoying lunch at a Taco Bell in New York. The astonishing incident, captured on video, has quickly gone viral, showcasing the man’s impressive martial arts skills.

The footage begins with the man, identified as Jake Anderson, casually eating his meal at a corner table. Unbeknownst to Anderson, a thief lurking nearby was eyeing his phone, which was placed on the table next to his tray. In a sudden move, the thief snatched the phone and attempted to flee.

However, Anderson’s quick reflexes kicked in. The video shows him springing from his seat and immediately engaging the thief. Utilizing his jiu-jitsu training, Anderson swiftly took the assailant down, employing a series of controlled and effective maneuvers. The thief struggled, but Anderson maintained his composure and expertly restrained him until help arrived.

Onlookers at the Taco Bell were visibly stunned by the rapid sequence of events. Some can be heard gasping and shouting in the background, while others quickly called for police assistance. Within minutes, law enforcement officers arrived and took the would-be thief into custody.


“I was just having my lunch, and the next thing I know, someone tries to take my phone,” Anderson later recounted. “Thankfully, my training kicked in, and I was able to stop him without anyone getting seriously hurt.”

Video below:

Anderson, who has been practicing jiu-jitsu for over ten years, credited his martial arts discipline for his calm and effective response. “It’s all about staying calm and controlled. You don’t want to escalate the situation more than necessary,” he explained.

The video has garnered widespread attention on social media, with many praising Anderson’s bravery and skill. “He’s a real-life hero,” one commenter wrote. “This is why everyone should learn some form of self-defense,” another added.

The incident has also sparked discussions about the importance of self-defense training and awareness, especially in urban environments. Anderson’s actions not only protected his property but also highlighted the potential of martial arts to empower individuals in unexpected situations.

As the video continues to circulate online, Anderson remains humble about his newfound viral fame. “I just did what I had to do,” he said. “I’m glad I could help, and I hope it serves as a reminder for people to stay aware of their surroundings.”

Alex Hall

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Conservative US, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Supreme Insider. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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